Thursday, July 12, 2012

15 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:  This has been another great week! I'm still just on cloud 9 from my ultrasound last week, AND I finally got the pictures! Baby is so cute. :) 
How Far Along: 15 weeks

Size of baby:  About 4 inches, or the size of an apple! Baby sure is growing!
Weight: 111.5lb
Total Weight Gain: Gained 1lb.
Stretch Marks: None
Maternity Clothes: None yet, although when it's cool enough to wear jeans I have to put a rubber band through the button hole so they fit more comfortably.
Gender:  Just for fun Jake and I tried one of those silly gender tests the other day. I strung a piece of my hair through my wedding ring then held it over my tummy. It went side to side. I have heard that that means a boy and I've heard that means it's a girl! I guess someone will be right. ;)
Names: Eric James for a boy (could still change) and Jake finally maybe caved in to one of my all time favorite girl names! Elizabeth. He brought it up randomly the other day. I was SO HAPPY!
Movement: Patiently waiting. :)
Sleep: I've been sleeping like a rock! I don't even realize how tired I am until I get in bed and I crash. I still sleep for about 11 hours and it's lovely. 
Exercise: I've slacked off a bit this week with my yoga, I've only done it once this week. BUT I've walked a mile every day. So that's good!
Symptoms: Lots of growing pains. Very emotional; when I'm happy I am HAPPY. When I'm sad/mad... watch out.
What I miss: With the warm summer here, I'm missing enjoying some yummy alcoholic drinks. But it's such an easy sacrifice to make because I never had that much to drink anyway.
Cravings: I have been LOVING a piece of toasted bread with peanut butter on it. I tried it for the first time this week and it was SO GOOD. I'm also enjoying fruits, and steamed veggies are making a comeback! And RICE! Chicken flavored rice. Or Spanish Rice. I could eat it forever. 
Aversions: Going out to eat. It just sounds so heavy. :-/ 
Things to do: EVERYTHING. Jake and I agreed that once I hit week 20, we'll start buying diapers every week to try and stock up, but I may start sooner. I am eager to BUY BUY BUY!
Best Moment this week:  Just passing more milestones! And getting the baby pictures! I can NOT wait to find out what this baby is! My sister-in-law found out this past week that she's having a boy and it's making me so impatient! She's 5 weeks further ahead.
Looking Forward To: My next appointment three weeks from today!! I'm not sure if we'll do an ultrasound, but I hope we do so that we can try to see what the wee one is! I am desperate for this baby to have a name so I can stop calling it an "it"!
Here's some baby pictures!

Belly Pic:

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