Thursday, July 26, 2012

17 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:  Man! Doesn't 17 weeks sound so far along?? And don't even get me started on the fact that that means it's only 3 weeks away from the halfway point! Yikes! It's been a very good week this week!
How Far Along: 17 weeks

Size of baby:  About 5inches, or about the size of a turnip/onion! Not a very lovely comparison this week.
Weight: 112lb
Total Weight Gain: Gained 2lb.
Stretch Marks: None
Maternity Clothes: None yet! I can still fit comfortably in my jeans as long as I have something to hold them up because I don't button them anymore.
Gender:  Who knows!
Names: Eric James for a boy (could still change) and I keep wavering for a girl! I just have no idea. :-/
Movement: Pretty sure I have felt quite a bit, especially today! I think baby was sitting pretty low this morning and I felt like it was constantly shoving against me!
Sleep: Sleep is about the same. If I can stay asleep I'm golden. But if something wakes me up I'm awake for another hour or two. Not fun!
Exercise: Walking a mile every other day, trying to be once a day! But the humidity kicks my butt so on those days I stay inside.
Symptoms: Feeling relatively normal this week, besides feeling like a cow! I swear my belly is so big, I can't believe I've only gained 2lbs.  My husband is amazed by it. Haha. 
What I miss: Nada!
Cravings: No strong cravings, but carbs almost always sound lovely! Although this is not new to just pregnancy.
Aversions: Sugar candy this week! Which is SHOCKING because I loooooove my sugar candy. But it has been giving me headaches so it's been easy to give it up almost cold turkey. 
Things to do: We bought our stroller this week! So that is one thing down! We also have $120 left of the stroller money my dad gave us so we're going to buy a crib hopefully soon! So that's done! YES! Still have everything else left to do.
Best Moment this week: Feeling the baby so much. 
Looking Forward To: BABY APPOINTMENT NEXT WEEK! I am soooo praying we can determine gender! I'll admit, I'll be so sad if we don't! Also looking pregnant instead of just chubby. I've thickened so much but no apparent baby bump! I know it'll happen soon!

Sorry, no pic this week either. I know it's lame, but it's hard to get a picture when you only have one mirror. I may have my hubs take a picture later.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

16 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:  This has been a good week all around! I had some bad cramping Tuesday night and emailed my doctor. I wasn't that worried but he wanted to see me for an ultrasound just to be on the safe side. So I got to see my baby again! And again, he/she was so shy! Refused to show us the face or the privates! But my cramping has all let up and I'm a happy girl!
How Far Along: 16 weeks

Size of baby:  About 4.5 inches, or the size of an avocado! So happy to know that this belly I have is baby!
Weight: 112! And I haven't seen 111 in a few days so I think it's real weight gain!
Total Weight Gain: Gained 2lb.
Stretch Marks: None
Maternity Clothes: None yet, although today I'm sporting an awesome belly band because my pants don't button anymore.
Gender:  Who knows!
Names: Eric James for a boy (could still change) and Jake finally maybe caved in to one of my all time favorite girl names! Elizabeth. He brought it up randomly the other day. I was SO HAPPY!
Movement: I felt the baby this week! So cute and happy! I feel like I could still be feeling him/her every once in a while, but that popcorn feeling could really be anything! So I have no idea how to distinguish what is really the baby.
Sleep: Sleep this week has been a bit harder to come by. My stomach feels so heavy and like it's constantly stretching if I'm on my side, so I flip around a lot. This morning I finally got GOOD sleep and that made me happy.
Exercise: Besides the day or two of cramping I've had, I've still be walking!
Symptoms: Some growing pains, and hungry! Never feeling full.
What I miss: Nada!
Cravings: Nothing really. Pretty much any food sounds good to me!
Aversions: Hmm.. not much.
Things to do: EVERYTHING. Jake and I agreed that once I hit week 20, we'll start buying diapers every week to try and stock up, but I may start sooner. I am eager to BUY BUY BUY!
Best Moment this week:  Seeing the baby and hearing the heartbeat that they could find on the doppler! And feeling the baby! It was a good week!
Looking Forward To: My next OB appointment in two weeks! And feeling the baby more and more! And basically everything that has to do with this baby!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

15 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:  This has been another great week! I'm still just on cloud 9 from my ultrasound last week, AND I finally got the pictures! Baby is so cute. :) 
How Far Along: 15 weeks

Size of baby:  About 4 inches, or the size of an apple! Baby sure is growing!
Weight: 111.5lb
Total Weight Gain: Gained 1lb.
Stretch Marks: None
Maternity Clothes: None yet, although when it's cool enough to wear jeans I have to put a rubber band through the button hole so they fit more comfortably.
Gender:  Just for fun Jake and I tried one of those silly gender tests the other day. I strung a piece of my hair through my wedding ring then held it over my tummy. It went side to side. I have heard that that means a boy and I've heard that means it's a girl! I guess someone will be right. ;)
Names: Eric James for a boy (could still change) and Jake finally maybe caved in to one of my all time favorite girl names! Elizabeth. He brought it up randomly the other day. I was SO HAPPY!
Movement: Patiently waiting. :)
Sleep: I've been sleeping like a rock! I don't even realize how tired I am until I get in bed and I crash. I still sleep for about 11 hours and it's lovely. 
Exercise: I've slacked off a bit this week with my yoga, I've only done it once this week. BUT I've walked a mile every day. So that's good!
Symptoms: Lots of growing pains. Very emotional; when I'm happy I am HAPPY. When I'm sad/mad... watch out.
What I miss: With the warm summer here, I'm missing enjoying some yummy alcoholic drinks. But it's such an easy sacrifice to make because I never had that much to drink anyway.
Cravings: I have been LOVING a piece of toasted bread with peanut butter on it. I tried it for the first time this week and it was SO GOOD. I'm also enjoying fruits, and steamed veggies are making a comeback! And RICE! Chicken flavored rice. Or Spanish Rice. I could eat it forever. 
Aversions: Going out to eat. It just sounds so heavy. :-/ 
Things to do: EVERYTHING. Jake and I agreed that once I hit week 20, we'll start buying diapers every week to try and stock up, but I may start sooner. I am eager to BUY BUY BUY!
Best Moment this week:  Just passing more milestones! And getting the baby pictures! I can NOT wait to find out what this baby is! My sister-in-law found out this past week that she's having a boy and it's making me so impatient! She's 5 weeks further ahead.
Looking Forward To: My next appointment three weeks from today!! I'm not sure if we'll do an ultrasound, but I hope we do so that we can try to see what the wee one is! I am desperate for this baby to have a name so I can stop calling it an "it"!
Here's some baby pictures!

Belly Pic:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

14 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:  This has been a GREAT week! We had our first OB appointment and it went SO well, despite me being a nervous wreck. We even got an ultrasound and saw the baby moving all over! My doctor emails the pics instead of prints them out, and I am SO impatient to get them! Our baby was so cute!
How Far Along: 14 weeks

Size of baby:  I think three and a half inches? We meant to ask our OB during the ultrasound, but we were too distracted by the baby. ;) The size of a lemon! 
Weight: 111lb still. Doctor said that was a healthy weight to start out as. 
Total Weight Gain: Gained 1lb.
Stretch Marks: None
Maternity Clothes: None yet, although when it's cool enough to wear jeans I have to put a rubber band through the button hole so they fit more comfortably.
Gender:  Well if I were to believe the wives tales, according to the heartbeat we saw (160bpm) we're having a girl. But I honestly don't know at all. :) I can't wait to find out though! 
Names: Eric James for a boy (could still change) and zero idea on a girls name.
Movement: Still waiting to feel it! Doctor said it should be in the next couple of weeks!
Sleep: Sleep has been great! Except for when my husband forgets to set his alarm and the next morning I keep waking up worrying that we'll miss his alarm again.
Exercise: I've kept up with my prenatal yoga, five times a week. I also started walking 1 mile a day. Hopefully I can keep up with it! 
Symptoms: I am the bottomless pit. If I wanted to (which I do, I just don't) I could eat forever.
What I miss: Nothing really.
Cravings: Cold fruits, but our grocery budget this week was seriously lame and we couldn't afford any. I can't wait for next week! Also I finally got my fill of deli meats. My doc said of course I can eat them!
Aversions: Nothing I can think of right now.
Things to do: EVERYTHING. Jake and I agreed that once I hit week 20, we'll start buying diapers every week to try and stock up.
Best Moment this week:  SEEING MY BABY! The doctor pointed out the flutter of the heart to me and I was SO excited to be able to see it! Knowing my baby is safe and sound! And knowing it's only 4 weeks away 'till I get to see him/her again!
Looking Forward To: Rascal Flatts concert tomorrow! Hahaha. And just moving right along in this pregnancy!

Belly Pic: I've decided not to do one every week. I was hoping I'd have a baby picture to share, but still nothing from the doctor! When I get it I'll try to post it. :)